Frequency Therapy

By exposing harmful microorganisms to powerful levels of their own frequency, the organisms vibrate and become recognizable to our own immune systems for destruction. In addition, the frequency can resonate the cellular cavity of a pathogen, virus, or bacteria thereby disrupting and or killing it. Frequency therapy does not damage healthy cells and is done repetitively for a period of time to help cleanse from harmful microorganisms.
Frequency therapy is an excellent accompaniment to oral protocols. Commonly used programs are listed below:
C. Difficile
E. Coli
Borrelia Burgdorferi
Bell’s Palsy
Kidney Support
Note: No medical claims are made or implied for Rife devices and frequency sets. They are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, treat, or mitigate any medical condition or disease. Please consult a qualified physician for any health or medical conditions. Statements and experiences are anecdotal and have not been evaluated by any official agency.